20 reels you could post today
Are you looking for some inspo when it comes to your Reels? Here are 20 reels you could post TODAY! Now, don’t overthink this! Pick one off the list and GO! If you’ve never done a Reel before, take one of these ideas and turn them into a static post!
Behind the Scenes
BTS- working your Young Living business
BTS- grocery haul and meal prep
BTS- workout/fitness routine
BTS- wake up and go routine
BTS- close down the house
Three tips that make your day-to-day easier
Why you take _____________ every morning
Two things you should ditch immediately
Why you should do this every night before you go to sleep….
Show Something
In progress (a current DIY project, a space you’re working on organizing, a book you’re in the middle of, etd)
Completed (a current DIY project, a space you’re working on organizing, a book you’re in the middle of, something you’ve baked/made, etc.) and explain your thoughts
Give a Sneak Peek into something you’re creating
Just For Fun
Motivational Monday— a quote, a verse, a song!
Friday Introductions: Show your face and share your story!
Celebrate your community! (young living, your church, a club, your CrossFit group, etc)
FAQ- Answer a question you get asked!
Share the best place to buy _________________
Share the best recipe
Show an area in your home that needs help (decorating, organization, etc), ASK for recommendations